Experience the top medical services.

only in sama surgical

Trust in our services, trust in your safety.

Choose department

Read and select the desired department.


Appointment request

Please carefully fill out the appointment request and submit your request.


Hospital visit

Please make sure to arrive on time at the agreed-upon time and coordinate with Sama Surgical.


Years of medical tourism experience

About us

Sama Surgical Tourist Medical Center

“Sama Surgical group started its activities in domestic and international tourism in 2023 to provide the best and highest quality medical services.”

The distinction of this group from other medical facilitator companies or medical tourism providers is to offer all surgical medical services to compatriots and patients from other countries. They can receive treatment at the most suitable medical center and be treated by experienced medical staff with minimal patient expenses, with the cooperation of Sama Surgical group.

Introducing the departments of Sama Surgical

Reasons for choosing us

Choose the best care for your health.

“Health tourism has expanded significantly worldwide. Due to high medical research standards, skilled physicians, and affordable healthcare services, Iran is considered a major destination for health tourism. Experienced and skilled doctors, equipped with advanced and up-to-date facilities, fulfill all your medical needs.”

Services Process

The process of providing various services at Sama Surgical

Appointment form registration

Form review and validation

Reception and payment

Check-out and departure

Experienced doctors

Introducing Sama Surgical Doctors






Iran , Qom, Motahari Square, Rahbar St

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